2024 Summer in Ballet Shoes
Summer in Ballet Shoes (iunder the influence of Maija Tabaka's painting "Summer in Ballet Shoes")
Genre: piano music
Year of composition: 2024
Notes: dedicated to pianist Vestards Šimkus
Duration 8'
2024 UP-TIME, symphonic toccata
Genre: symphonic orchestra
Year of composition: 2024
Duration 11'
2023 Piano Concert No. 3
Piano Concert No. 3
Genre: piano and orchestra
Year of composition: 2023
Info: Fl.1, Cl.1, Bcl.1, Perc.1, Solo Piano, Vni I, Vni II, Vle, Vcelli, Cb.
Duration 20'
Notes: dedicated to conductor and oboist Normunds Šnē
Premiere on 11.05.2024, Riga, Great Guild Concert Hall. Soloist Vestards Šimkus, orchestra "Sinfonietta Riga", conductor Normunds Šnē.
2023 Winter Cantata
Winter Cantata for mixed choir and organ
Genre: vocal-instrumental
Year of composition: 2023
Duration 15'
2022 Temperaments
Temperaments, cycle in 4 parts
Genre: brass quintet
Year of composition: 2022
Duration 10'
2022 Symphony for Riga
Symphony for Riga
Genre: orchestral music
Year of composition: 2022
Duration 32'
Premiere on September 3, 2022 in the Latvian National Theatre. Chamber orchestra "Sinfonietta Riga" and orchestra "Riga", conductor Valdis Butāns.
2022 Porcelain Sonata
Porcelain Sonata for piano
Genre: piano music
Year of composition: 2022
Info: I - Morning Tea Cup, II daļa - Sugar Bowl without Lid (for left hand only), III daļa - Hand Painted Flower Vase, IV daļa - Gilded Coffee Set for the Evening.
Recording: album "Serena". Dzintra Erliha (piano). Release Date: 21st Apr 2023; Catalogue No: PRIMA020; Label: Prima Classic.
2021 Riga Concerto No. 6 for flute, violin, bassoon and string orchestra
Riga Concerto No. 6 for flute, violin, bassoon and string orchestra
Genre: Orchestral music
Year of composition: 2021
Info: Fl.solo, Vno.solo, Fg.solo, Violini I, Violini II, Viole, Violoncelli, Contrabassi
Premiere on September 11, 2022 in the Dzintari Concert Hall. Soloists Anete Toča (Flute), Stella Zaķe (violin), Peeter Sarapuu (bassoon), orchestra "Kremerata Baltica", conductor Fuad Ibrahimov.
2021 Symphony No.4
Symphony No. 4
Genre: Symphonic music
Year of composition: 2021
Info: Picc., Fl.2, Ob.2, Engl.h., Cl.2, Bcl., Fg.3, Corni 4, Trp.4, Trb.2, Bass Trb., Tuba, Perc.4, Harp, Piano, Vni I, Vni II, Vle, Vcelli, Cb.
Duration: 35'
Premiere on January 27, 2023 in Liepāja, on January 28, 2023 in Riga. Liepaja Symphony Orchestra, conductor Guntis Kuzma
2021 I Would Like to Speak so Quietly for mezzo-soprano and organ
I Would Like to Speak so Quietly
Poetry by Māra Zālīte
Year of composition: 2021
Info: mezzo-soprano and organ
Duration: 9'
Premiere on September 16, 2021 in the Riga St. Francis Catholic Church. Ilona Bagele (mezzosoprano) and Ilona Birģele (organ).
Second redaction for mezzo-soprano and string quartet, premiere on November 28, 2021 in Riga, the Latvian Society House, Golden Hall.
2020 Wavesong Variations for symphony orchestra
Wavesong Variations for symphony orchestra, dedicated to the J. Vītols' Latvian Academy of Music
Genre: Symphonic music
Year of composition: 2020
Info: variations on a theme of piano piece "Wavesong" by Jāzeps Vītols
Premiere on October 1, 2021. Symphony orchestra of the J. Vitols' Latvian Academy of Music, conductor Kaspars Ādamsons.
2020 Concert Overture for symphony orchestra
Concert Overture for symphony orchestra, dedicated to orchestra of the J. Vītols' Latvian Academy of Music
Genre: Symphonic music
Year of composition: 2020
Info: Picc.; Fl; Ob.; E.H.; Cl; B.Cl.; Fag.1-2; Horni 1-2; Trp.1-2; Trb. 1-2; Tb; Timpani; Perc.II-Campanelli, Tubular Bells; Perc. III–Cymbals; Perc.IV–Vibraphone; Harp; I Vln; II Vln; Vle; V-c; C-b.
Premiere on October 1, 2021. Symphony orchestra of the J. Vitols' Latvian Academy of Music, conductor Kaspars Ādamsons.
2020 Riga Concerto No. 5 for clarinet and double bass solo with strings
Riga Concerto No. 5 for clarinet and double bass solo with strings
Genre: Orchestral music
Year of composition: 2020
Info: Cl.solo, Db.solo, Violini I, Violini II, Viole, Violoncelli, Contrabassi
Premiered on April 10, 2022 in Riga, Ziedoņa Hall of the Latvian National Library. Soloists: Guntis Kuzma and Marīss Eisaks, Sinfonia concertante, conductor Andris Vecumnieks.
2019 Dialogue (with Schumann) organ solo
Dialogue (with Schumann)
Genre: Organ music
Instrumentation: organ solo
Year of composition: 2019
Publication date information: 2019
2019 Game (with Chopin) organ solo
Game (with Chopin)
Genre: Organ music
Instrumentation: organ solo
Year of composition: 2019
Premiered on 10.05.2019. in Riga Cathedral. Vita Kalnciema (organ).
2018 Music For The Commemoration of Sculpor Kārlis Zāle
Music For The Commemoration of Sculptor Kārlis Zāle
Genre: Orchestral music
Instrumentation: symphonic band
Year of composition: 2018
Premiered on 19.11.2018. Orchestra "Riga", conductor Valdis Butāns
Recorded by Orchestra RIGA and conductor Valdis Butāns. Published in the CD "Cherished" by Orchestra RIGA. PPOR CD-005, 2019 .
2016 Diptich "The Land" for mixed choir
Diptich "The Land" for mixed choir
Genre: Choir music
Instrumentation: for mixed choir
Year of composition: 2016
Premiered on 11.11.2016 in "Ziedoņa Hall" of Latvian National Library. State Academic Choir "Latvija", conductor Māris Sirmais.
Info: I "Warm Land", poetry by Skaidrīte Kaldupe; II "Land of Longing", poetry by Aspazija.
2016 Riga Concerto No. 4 for trumpet, trombone, tuba and symphony orchestra
Riga Concerto No. 4
Genre: Symphonic music
Instrumentation: for trumpet, trombone, tuba and symphony orchestra
Year of composition: 2016
Length: 00:23:00
Premiered on 14.10.2016 in the Great Guild Concert Hall in Riga. Jānis Porietis (trumpet), Kaspars Majors (trombone), Raivis Māgurs (tuba), Latvian National Symphony Orchestra, conductor Guntis Kuzma.
2014 Fugue and Fantasy in C-Dur for organ in 4-hands
Fugue and Fantasy in C-Dur
Genre: Organ music
Instrumentation: for organ in 4-hands
Year of composition: 2014
Premiered on July 4, 2014 at the Riga Cathedral • Organ duet - Ilze Reine and Aigars Reinis
Recorded by Ilze Reine and Aigars Reinis in the Riga Cathedral. Published in the CD "Ērģeles divatā" by Latvian company LMIC/SKANI No. 047.
2013 Lists of Calendar for oboe and string quartet
Lists of Calendar
Genre: Instrumental chamber music
Instrumentation: for oboe and string quartet
Year of composition: 2013
Premiered on 05.03.2018. in the Hall of Latvian National Library. Jana Zeļenska (oboe), Konstantīns Paturskis (violin), Kristiāna Ozoliņa (violin), Artūrs Gailis (viola), Pēteris Ozoliņš (violoncello).
Info: Commissioned by Pēteris Vasks Foundation
2012 SAGA for wind orchestra
SAGA for wind orchestra
Genre: Orchestral music
Year of composition: 2012
Premiered by University of Latvia Wind Band, conductor Lorenzo Della Fonte. 18.10.2014 at the Main Hall of the Latvian University.
2011 Pirmskoncerta mūzika (Pre-Concert Music, 2nd Redaction) for two flutes, two pianos and percussion
Pirmskoncerta mūzika (Pre-Concert Music, 2nd Redaction)
Genre: Instrumental chamber music
Instrumentation: for two flutes, two pianos and percussion
Year of composition: 2011
Premiered on 12.04.2011 in the Golden Hall of Riga Latvian Society. Dace Bičkovska, Andis Klučnieks (flute), Antra Vīksne and Normunds Vīksne (piano), Rihards Zaļupe (percussion)
Info: 2nd edition. 1st edition - 1987, for two pianos and electronic
2011 Riga Concerto No.3 "Theatre" for oboe and violoncello solo with symphony orchestra
Riga Concerto No.3 "Theatre"
Genre: Symphonic music
Instrumentation: for oboe and violoncello solo with symphony orchestra
Year of composition: 2011
Movements: I - Proloque, II - Drama, III - Opera, IV - Comic Ballet, V Epiloque.
Premiered on 20.01. 2012 in the Great Guild Concert Hall in Riga. Normunds Šnē (oboe), Guna Āboltiņa (cello), Latvian National Opera Orchestra, conductor Andris Poga
2011 Melanholiskais valsis (Melancholic Waltz), arrangement for symphonic band
Melanholiskais valsis (Melancholic Waltz), arrangement
2011 The Sunny Nook for 2 saxophones and wind ensemble
The Sunny Nook for 2 saxophones and wind ensemble
Genre: Instrumental chamber music
Year of composition: 2011
Premiere in the Great Guild Concert Hall, Riga, on 17.11.2014. Orchestra RIGA, conductor Andis Klučnieks.
Info: Soli: Soprano Sax, Tenor Sax.; Ensemble: 4 Fl., 2 Ob., 4 Clar., 2 Fg., 4 Horni, 4 Tr., 3 Trb., 1 Tuba, 4 Perc., 1 Cb.
2010 Requiem for soprano, tenor, mixed choir and symphonic band
Genre: Vocal symphonic music
Instrumentation: for soprano, tenor, mixed choir and symphonic band
Year of composition: 2010
Length: 01:12:00
Additional information: Score held by the composer.
I Requiem aeternam;
II Dies irae (incl. Liber scriptus, Recordare, Lacrimosa);
III Domine Jesu Christe;
IV Sanctus & Benedictus;
V Libera me;
VI Agnus dei;
VII Lux aeterna."Requiem aeternam" and "Dies irae" - world premiere on 10th of April 2009 in Riga, St. John Church. Completed REQUIEM world premiere on 25th of March 2010 in the Riga Cathedral. Sonora Vaice (soprano), Ingus Petersons (tenor), State Academic Choir "Latvija", Riga Chamber Choir "Ave Sol", Riga Professional Symphonic Band, conductor Andris Poga.
Language: Latin
2010 Zvanu mūzika (The Chimes Music) for percussion and organ
Zvanu mūzika (The Chimes Music)
Genre: Organ music
Instrumentation: for percussion and organ
Year of composition: 2010
Length: 00:08:00
Publication date information: 2009-2010.
Premiered on March 7th, 2010 at the Riga Cathedral • Kristīne Adamaite (organ), Elīna Endzele (percussion).
Info: Organ, Campane, Campanelli, Wind Chimes, Vibraphone, Tam-tam, Gong, Crotales.
Recorded by Elīna Endzele and Aigars Reinis in the Riga Cathedral. Published in the CD "Cantus Annae" by Latvian company LMIC/SKANI No. 055.
2010 Symphony No. 3
Symphony No. 3
Genre: Symphonic music
Year of composition: 2010
Length: 00:20:00
Premiered on March 25nd, 2011 at the Great Guild Concert Hall in Riga. Sinfonietta Riga, conductor Normunds Šnē
Info: 2 fl. ob. cl. cl.b. bsn. dbsn. - 2 hn. 2 tpt. - perc.(1) - 6 vln.I, 5 vln.II, 4 vl., 4 vc., 2 db.
2008 Concert for Violin and Chamber Orchestra
Concert for Violin and Chamber Orchestra
Genre: Symphonic music
Year of composition: 2008
Length: 00:20:00
Year of publication: 2009
Premiered on January 17th, 2009 in the Great Guild Concert Hall in Riga. Baiba Skride, Sinfonietta Rīga, conductor Normunds Šnē
Info: vln. – picc. fl. cl. bsn. – 2 hn. 2 tpt. tbn. – timp. perc. (2): ch.bells, tri., mar., vib., cym. – strings
2007 Simple Seasons, cycle for youth string orchestra
Simple Seasons, cycle
Genre: Symphonic music
Instrumentation: for youth string orchestra
Year of composition: 2007
Length: 00:09:30
Premiered on December 11th, 2007 in the Golden Hall of the Riga Latvian Society. Jāzeps Mediņš School of Music chamber orchestra Armonico, conductor Normunds Dreģis
Info: Four movements: Winter, Spring, Summer, Autumn
Score and parts held by the composer
2007 Riga Concerto No. 2 for violin, viola, strings and percussion
Riga Concerto No. 2
Genre: Symphonic music
Instrumentation: for violin, viola, strings and percussion
Year of composition: 2007
Length: 00:18:00
Premiered pn February 20th, 2008 in the Great Hall of Jāzeps Vītols Latvian Music Academy. Soloists Darja Smirnova (violin), Arigo Štrāls (viola), orchestra Sinfonia Concertante, conductor Andris Vecumnieks
Info: Score and parts held by the composer
vln.vla. - perc.:vib., cym., bd., sd. - strings
2006 Riga’s Concerto No. 1 for two violins, violoncello, string orchestra and percussion
Riga’s Concerto No. 1
Genre: Symphonic music
Instrumentation: for two violins, violoncello, string orchestra and percussion
Year of composition: 2006
Length: 00:16:30
Premiered on June 27th, 2006 in the Baltais flīģelis Concert Hall in Sigulda • chamber orchestra Kremerata Baltica, soloists Sandis Šteinbergs, Rūta Lipinaitytė, Ēriks Kiršfelds
Info: Score held by the composer
2006 Symphony No. 2
Symphony No. 2
Genre: Symphonic music
Year of composition: 2006
Additional information: Riga: Musica Baltica, 2008
Premiered on December 9th, 2006 at the Latvian National Opera. Latvian National Symphony Orchestra, conductor Normunds Vaicis
Info: For symphony orchestra: picc. 2 fl. 2 ob. 2 cl. s.sax. a.sax. 2 bsn. dbsn. – 4 hn. 4 tpt. 3 tbn. tba. – timp. perc. (4) – hp. hpchd. – strings
2004 Symphony No. 1
Symphony No. 1
Genre: Symphonic music
Year of composition: 2004
Premiered on April 29th, 2004 in the Great Guild Concert Hall in Riga. Latvian National Symphony Orchestra, conductor Andris Nelsons
Info: For symphony orchestra: picc. 2 fl. 2 ob. 2 cl. 2 bsn. dbsn. – 4 hn. 3 tpt. 3 tbn. tba. – timp. perc.: bd., t.-t., susp.cym., tri., tamb., ratchet, cast., ch.bells, vib., 5, mar., ant.cym., marac., flex. – strings
Movements: I - Way To Storks; II - Silence is the God's Speech; III Storks' Way.
2001 Symphonic Epilogue for orchestra
Symphonic Epilogue
Genre: Symphonic music
Instrumentation: for orchestra
Year of composition: 2001
Length: 00:08:00
Premiered on September 25th, 2001 in the Great Guild Concert Hall in Riga. Latvian National Symphony Orchestra, conductor Normunds Vaicis
Info: Score and orchestra parts in the library of the Latvian National Symphony Orchestra
picc. 2 fl. 2 ob. 2 cl. 2 bsn. dbsn. – 4 hn. 3 tpt. 3 tbn. tba. – timp. perc.: ch.bells, gong, t.-t., cel. sd., bd., cym., tom-t., ratchet, chimes, vib., tri.,, susp.cym. – hp. – stringsAudio file: Symphonic Epiloque (excerpt)
Latvian National Symphonic Orchestra, conductor Normunds Vaicis, recorded live 2001, September.
1998 Concerto No. 2 for Piano and Symphony Orchestra
Concerto No. 2 for Piano and Symphony Orchestra
Genre: Symphonic music
Year of composition: 1998
Length: 00:18:00
Premiered on September 18th, 1998 at the Liepāja Concert Hall • Author (piano), Liepāja Symphony Orchestra, conductor Normunds Šnē
Info: Score and orchestra parts in the Music Department of the Latvian National Library
Solo pno. – 2 fl. 2 ob. (II = 2 cl. 2 bsn. – 2 hn. – timp. perc.: tri., cym., t.-t., sd., claves, bd., ch.bells – hp. – strings
1997 Ave regina for mixed choir
Ave regina
Genre: Choir music
Instrumentation: for mixed choir
Year of composition: 1997
Length: 00:08:00
Premiered on January 23rd, 1998 at the Riga Cathedral • State Choir Latvija, conductor Māris Sirmais
Language: Latin
1997 Requiem brevis for mezzo-soprano and string quartet
Requiem brevis
Genre: Vocal chamber music
Instrumentation: for mezzo-soprano and string quartet
Year of composition: 1997
Length: 00:10:00
Premiered on January 20th, 1998 in Whita Hall of the Latvian National Opera. Antra Bigača, string quartet: Sandis Šteinbergs (1st violin), Aija Jaunzeme (2nd violin), Arigo Štrāls (viola), Diana Ozoliņa (cello)
I Requiem aeternam
II Liber scriptus
III Lacrimosa
1997 Velc, pelīte, saldu miegu (Bring, Little Mouse, Sweet Sleep), Latvian folk song arrangement for mixed choir
Velc, pelīte, saldu miegu (Bring, Little Mouse, Sweet Sleep), Latvian folk song arrangement
Genre: Choir music
Instrumentation: for mixed choir
Year of composition: 1997
Additional information: Dziesmuvaras Latviešu mūzikas fonda 1997. gadā godalgotās koŗa dziesmas, III (Dziesmuvaras Latvian Music Fund – Award Winning Choir Songs of 1997). Compiled by Aira Birziņa. – Dziesmuvara, 1998
Year of publication: 1998
1995 Concerto per piano concertante, violino, viola e violoncello
Concerto per piano concertante, violino, viola e violoncello
Genre: Instrumental chamber music
Year of composition: 1995
Length: 00:15:00
Premiered on December 27th, 1995 in the Wagner Hall in Riga. Author (piano), Andris Pauls (violin), Valērijs Avramenko (viola), Ēriks Kiršfelds (violoncello).
Info: Piano quartet
1995 Dāvida lūgšana (Prayer of David) for voice, oboe or violin and organ
Dāvida lūgšana (Prayer of David)
Genre: Vocal chamber music
Instrumentation: for voice, oboe or violin and organ
Year of composition: 1995
Length: 00:08:00
Premiered 2nd edition on July 11th, 1995 at the Wagner Hall in Riga. Antra Bigača (mezzo-soprano), the author (piano) . Original version premiered on September 28th, 1995 at the Riga Cathedral. Antra Bigača, Normunds Šnē (oboe), Vita Kalnciema (organ)
Info: - 1st edition - for voice, oboe or violin and organ; 3rd edition – for mezzo-soprano, violin and piano
Text – 86th Psalm Kungs, pagriez savu ausi (O Lord, Do Thou Bow Down Thy Ear)
3rd edition
1994 Intraversion for piano
Genre: Piano music
Instrumentation: for piano
Year of composition: 1994
Additional information: Riga: Musica Baltica, 2005
Year of publication: 2005
Premiered on July 12th, 1994 in the Wagner Hall, Riga. Author (piano).
Ilona Brege (piano), recorded live on 11th of November 1994, in the Wagner Hall in Riga.
1994 Pasaciņas (Fairy Tales) for piano
Pasaciņas (Fairy Tales)
Genre: Piano music
Instrumentation: for piano
Year of composition: 1994
Length: 00:10:00
Additional information: Riga: Musica Baltica Ltd., 1994 (designed by Ingūna Krolle-Irbe)
Year of publication: 1994
1991 Baltā kantāte (White Cantata) for mixed choir and organ
Baltā kantāte (White Cantata)
Genre: Choir music
Instrumentation: for mixed choir and organ
Year of composition: 1991
Length: 00:15:00
Premiered in April, 1992 in the Martin Luther Torņakalns Church. Chamber Choir Versija, Aivars Kalējs (organ), conductor Einārs Verro
Info: Text – excerpts from St. John's Gospel, poetry by Ojārs Vācietis.
Language: Latvian
1990 Sonata for organ
Sonata for organ
Genre: Organ music
Instrumentation: for organ
Year of composition: 1990
Premiered on March 8th, 1991 at the Riga Cathedral. Yevgenija Lisicina (organ).
1989 Reversija (Reversion) for strings
Reversija (Reversion) for strings
Genre: Symphonic music
Year of composition: 1989
Length: 00:15:00
Premiered on March 9th, 1991 in the Great Hall of the Latvian Music Academy. Latvian Philharmonic Chamber Orchestra, conductor Tovijs Lifšics
Info: Score and orchestra parts in the Music Department of the Latvian National Library.
String orchestra: vln. (div. 7) vla. (div. 2) vc. (div. 2) db.
1988 Basām kājām dvēselīte... (Barefooted Soul...), poem for violin and percussion
Basām kājām dvēselīte... (Barefooted Soul...), poem
Genre: Instrumental chamber music
Instrumentation: for violin and percussion
Year of composition: 1988
Length: 00:06:00
Premiered on March 26th, 1989 in the White Hall of Latvian National Opera. Svetlana Mužeiko (violin), Aikazs Akopjans (percussion)
Info: 2nd edition – for violin and piano
Violin solo: Jānis Bulavs, piano - Ilona Brege
1988 Šūpuļdziesma mātei (Lullabye for Mother), theatre of poetry and musical for actress, vocalist, violinist and pianist
Šūpuļdziesma mātei (Lullabye for Mother), theatre of poetry and musical
Genre: Vocal chamber music
Instrumentation: for actress, vocalist, violinist and pianist
Year of composition: 1988
Length: 00:50:00
Premiered on May 3rd, 1988 at the Architects' House in Riga. Aija Magone, Grizelda Bērziņa (soprano), Indulis Sūna (violin), the author (piano), director Miervaldis Mozers
1988 Dzīvais ūdens (Living Water), chamber opera
Dzīvais ūdens (Living Water), chamber opera
Genre: Musical theatre
Year of composition: 1988
Publication date information: 1987-1988; second edition - 2005.
Premiered September 9th, 1996 at the Great Guild Hall in Riga. Conductor Gints Kārkliņš, director Jānis Kaijaks, set design by Guntars Kambars. Roles – Ildze: Kristīne Gailīte, Laine: Antra Bigača, Māceklis (Apprentice): Miervaldis Jenčs, Priesteris (Priester): Andrew Martens. Staged in the Latvian National Opera in 2005.
Info: In two acts.
Libretto based upon the play by Māra Zālīte.
1988 Atnāk mežkopis vecs (The Old Forest Keeper Comes) for mixed choir
Atnāk mežkopis vecs (The Old Forest Keeper Comes)
Genre: Choir music
Instrumentation: for mixed choir
Year of composition: 1988
Published: Pirmceļā (On the First Road) Songs for Choir by Young Composers. Compiled by Juris Karlsons. – Riga: Liesma, 1989
Year of publication: 1989
Premiered in1989 in the Great Hall of Latvian University, Latvian Radio Choir, conductor Sigvards Kļava.
1987 Terra Nova, cycle for mixed choir
Terra Nova, cycle
Genre: Choir music
Instrumentation: for mixed choir
Year of composition: 1987
Length: 00:35:00
Premiered (five songs) on November 28th, 1990 in Great Hall of the Latvian University. Latvian Radio Choir, conductor Juris Kļaviņš
Info: In four books (12 songs). Lyrics by Aspasia. Latvian language.
1987 Muzikālas anekdotes pēc latviešu folkloras motīviem (Musical Anecdotes Based on Latvian Folklore)
Muzikālas anekdotes pēc latviešu folkloras motīviem (Musical Anecdotes Based on Latvian Folklore)
Genre: Instrumental chamber music
Year of composition: 1987
Length: 00:10:00
Premiered on December 8th, 1989 at the Wagner Hall in Riga. The Rīga String Quartet: Uldis Sprūdžs (1st violin), Vita Vucāne (2nd violin), Valērijs Avramenko (viola), Agne Stepiņa (cello)
Info: For flute, violin, viola and cello; 2nd edition – for string quartet
1987 Pirmskoncerta mūzika (Pre-Concert Music) for two pianos
Pirmskoncerta mūzika (Pre-Concert Music)
Genre: Instrumental chamber music
Instrumentation: for two pianos and tape
Year of composition: 1987
Length: 00:10:00
Premiered on May 19th, 1988 at the Artists’ House Hall in Vilnius, on October 14th, 1990 at the Wagner Hall in Riga. Nora Novika and Rafi Haradžanjans
Nora Novika and Rafi Harachanyan, recorded live 1988
1986 Concerto for Marimba and String Orchestra
Concerto for Marimba and String Orchestra
Genre: Symphonic music
Year of composition: 1986
Length: 00:13:00
Premiered on March 19th, 1988 at the Ave Sol Concert Hall. Latvian Philharmonic Chamber Orchestra, conductor Juris Madrēvics
Info: Score and orchestra parts in the Music Department of the National Library of Latvia
Solo mar. – 24 vln. (div. 6) 8 vla. (div. 2) 8 vc. (div. 2) 3 db.
1986 Zeme ir dzīva (The Earth is Alive), cantata for children’s choir, mezzo-soprano, and instrumental group
Zeme ir dzīva (The Earth is Alive), cantata
Genre: Choir music
Instrumentation: for children’s choir, mezzo-soprano, and instrumental group
Year of composition: 1986
Length: 00:08:00
Premiered on June 5th, 1986 at the Latvian State Conservatory Great Hall. Maija Krīgena, Boys’ Choir of Jāzeps Mediņš School, conductor Edvīns Dziļums
1986 Skice pēc Bidstrupa zīmējumiem (Sketch Based On Drawings By Bidstrup) for woodwind quintet
Skice pēc Bidstrupa zīmējumiem (Sketch Based On Drawings By Bidstrup)
Genre: Instrumental chamber music
Instrumentation: for woodwind quintet
Year of composition: 1986
Length: 00:03:00
Premiered on July 31st, 1986 in Skrunda at the Creative Youth Camp. Woodwind quintet of the Orchestra RIGA.
Info: For Flute, Oboe, Clarinet, French Horn and Bassoon
1985 Piano Sonata
Piano Sonata
Genre: Piano music
Year of composition: 1985
Additional information: Riga: Musica Baltica, 2005
Year of publication: 2005
Premiered on November 3rd, 1985 at the White Hall of Latvian National Opera. Author.
1985 Aizejošais loks (The Departing Circle), music for symphony orchestra
Aizejošais loks (The Departing Circle), music for symphony orchestra
Genre: Symphonic music
Year of composition: 1985
Length: 00:14:00
Premiered on June 5th, 1986 at the Latvian State Conservatory Great Hall • Latvian State Conservatory Orchestra, conductor Juris Kokars
Info: picc. – 2 fl. 3 ob. (III = 3 cl. (III = 3 bsn. (III = dbsn.) – 4 hn. 3 tpt. 3tbn. tba. – perc. (5): I – timp., marac.; II – ch.bells, cym., chimes; III – vib., tamb., ratchet; IV – bd., tri., tamb.; V – cym., tom-t., – cemb. pno. hp. – strings
Score held by the composer, orchestra parts in the Music Department of the Latvian National Library.
1984 Concerto for Piano and Strings
Concerto for Piano and Strings (Piano Concerto No.1)
Genre: Symphonic music
Year of composition: 1984
Length: 00:17:00
Premiered on April 13th, 1985 at the Latvian State Conservatory Great Hall • Author (piano), Opera Chamber Orchestra, conductor Leons Amoliņš
Info: Score in the Music Department of the Latvian National Library
Solo pno. – strings.
1984 Variations on a Jean-Philippe Rameau Theme for violin, viola, violoncello and harpsichord
Variations on a Jean-Philippe Rameau Theme
Genre: Instrumental chamber music
Instrumentation: for violin, viola, violoncello and harpsichord
Year of composition: 1984
Length: 00:11:00
Premiered May 20th, 1984 at the Great Guild White Hall in Riga. Indulis Sūna (violin), Valērijs Avramenko (viola), Agne Stepiņa (cello) and Ilona Breģe (cembalo)
1984 Trīs dodekafonas skices (Three Dodecaphone Sketches) for piano
Trīs dodekafonas skices (Three Dodecaphone Sketches)
Genre: Piano music
Instrumentation: for piano
Year of composition: 1984
Length: 00:06:00
Premiered on March 22nd, 1989 in the Architects’ House Hall in Riga. Ilona Brege (piano)
1984 Divi liriski intermeco (Two Lyrical Intermezzos) for viola and piano
Divi liriski intermeco (Two Lyrical Intermezzos)
Genre: Instrumental chamber music
Instrumentation: for viola and piano
Year of composition: 1984
Length: 00:05:00
Premiered on May 20th, 1999 at the Great Guild Münster Hall in Riga. Arigo Štrāls, author
1984 Pēdējā vakara dziesmas (Last Evening Songs), cycle for mezzo-soprano and piano
Pēdējā vakara dziesmas (Last Evening Songs), cycle
Genre: Vocal chamber music
Instrumentation: for mezzo-soprano and piano
Year of composition: 1984
Length: 00:09:00
Recorded in the Latvian Radio studio 1987 • Mirdza Kalniņa, author. Premiered in concert July 17th, 1991 at the Wagner Hall in Riga, Antra Bigača, author
Language: Latvian
1983 Excerpt from the Poetry by Imants Ziedonis for mixed choir
Excerpt from the Poetry by Imants Ziedonis
Genre: Choir music
Instrumentation: for mixed choir
Year of composition: 1983
Length: 00:06:00
1983 Trio for violin, cello and piano
Trio for violin, cello and piano
Genre: Instrumental chamber music
Year of composition: 1983
Length: 00:10:00
Premiered on July 17th, 1991 at the Wagner Hall in Riga. Jānis Bulavs, Ēriks Kiršfelds, and author